Men’s Health: Preventing a Heart Attack

Did you know that heart disease is the number one killer of men in the U.S.? Roughly every 36 seconds someone dies from cardiovascular disease and every 40 seconds someone has a heart attack in the United States alone. While treating a heart attack has become less challenging over the years, preventing them can be…

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Types of MRI Designs

There is a lot of confusion about the different types of MRI in use today. What does the term “open” really mean when it comes to MRI? What does “stand up” mean? Today, we are going to look at three main MRI designs–Wide Bore MRI, Open MRI, and Stand Up MRI, and we will try…

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Why is an MRI so Loud?

We get asked this question a lot. The MRI machine uses a combination of a strong magnet, radio waves and a receiver to create images of inside the body. When the exam is performed, an electromagnet sends a current through a coiled wire. The loud clicking sound that you hear is from switching the currents…

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What is an MRI Coil?

A coil is an essential component of any MRI machine, and allows us to capture high end images of specific body parts. So depending on what area of the body is being imaged determines what type of coil to use. You can think of the MRI coil as an antenna. During the scan, the machine…

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