Neurological MRI
MRI is a noninvasive diagnostic tool that is used to provide extremely detailed images of the
brain and spine, as well as to measure blood flow. Our neuroradiological department has
decades of experience in neurological MRI, and is here to answer any questions you may have
about the procedure. We provide a variety of MRI systems to meet your needs, including the 3T
Wide Bore MRI, which is considered the gold standard for imaging the central nervous system.

What is Neurological MRI Used For?
MRI may be used to study the brain or spinal cord for injuries, structural abnormalities, or
certain other conditions, such as:
- Tumor and abscesses in the brain and spinal cord
- Eye disease
- Inflammation
- Infection
- Degenerative disorders such as multiple sclerosis
- Brain injury from trauma
- Subclinical brain edema
- Cerebral contusions
- Herniations in the spine
- Vascular irregularities
- Brain damage associated with epilepsy
- Weakening and ballooning of an artery (aneurysm)
- Fluid in the brain (hydrocephalus)
- Cause of epilepsy (seizures)
- Pituitary gland disorders
MRI may also be recommended to assist in planning surgeries of the spine, such as a spinal
fusion, decompression of a pinched nerve or steroid injection. In addition, it may be used to
look for problems after surgery such as infection or scarring.
MR angiography may be ordered if we are looking specifically at the blood vessels. Our
high-tech MRI systems provide superb visualization of the structure and functional changes of
the cerebral arteries, and aids in identifying structural anomalies.

Why Choose Zwanger Pesiri?
Zwanger-Pesiri Radiology brings world-class expertise to the Long Island community. Our subspecialty-trained radiologists are Board Certified by the American Board of Radiology with fellowship training in a variety of specialties. They are highly-skilled, highly-knowledgeable, and make patient care a priority. To learn more, contact us today.